Twosret. I agree that it is not right that the Palestinian Territories are not self governing and free to act as a sovereign state. But I Think there are 2 issues here.
1. When the words occupied territories are discussed, they are NEVER limited to boarders. That instead they are meant to include Israel. When phrases like "wipe Israel from the map" are uttered and a constant barrage of suicide bombers are trying to promote that view point, then what does that leave Israel to do?
2. The only way that a fall back by Israel can be achieved is by peace talks and agreements with the PA. If they will not talk to Israel then I see no progress! Perhaps the Insifada is the problem?
"wipe Israel from the map" is uttered due to the fact that Palestine has been wiped from the map no? What are you expecting from people whom you occupy and torture and take away their land? love you?
No country is wiped of the map but Palestine.
Peace talks that is lead by the leaders of the world to pamper Israel? this is not the peace talks. The peace talks are the talks of Justice. No peace without Justice.
Give the land back and the money of Palestinians back from the taxes that are ilegally collected then talk about peace. Oslo was nothing but working for the benefit of Israel.
Serious peace talkers don't occupy Gaza and destroy it's infrastructre. Serious peace talkers don't bomb Lebanon and destroy it's infrastructure.
Peace talkers don't build illegal settlements on the Palestinian lands.
Anonymous--do you know what the Intifada is? Do you not realize that if Palestinians really had it together they would have started the Intifada in 1967 and never stopped? No people will stand subjugation and occupation; we are not animals in a zoo that will accept captivity and the cages that we have been put into. Despite what Ben-Gurion said (the old will die and the young will forget...) the Palestinian identity is not dying nor forgotten. The intifada is "everymans" response to occupation. The Zionists created their own intifada in the 30s and 40 s against the British occupation of Palestine and resorted to frank acts of terrorism to drive out the British.
Thanks for your responces. I both impressed with what you say and also sadened.
Looking at the issue then 2 groups of peoples live on the same land and call it home. There appears to be very little chance for both to live together at this time. The two state solution does not seem an option. SO what is the solution? what would you have done by the global comunity to the "resolve the problem"?
Interesting. So "occupation" dates back to the moment the Israel was created. Obviously prior to that there was a vibrant Palestinian state, wasn't there?
Who where the occupiers prior to 1967? Jordan and Egypt? Why was Israel attacked throughout it's history just as Jews have been attacked in 1920, 30s and for centuries by others.
If Palestinians want their state and don't want to live under occupation, why would they intesify attacks following the pullout from Gaza?
Twosret. I agree that it is not right that the Palestinian Territories are not self governing and free to act as a sovereign state. But I Think there are 2 issues here.
1. When the words occupied territories are discussed, they are NEVER limited to boarders. That instead they are meant to include Israel. When phrases like "wipe Israel from the map" are uttered and a constant barrage of suicide bombers are trying to promote that view point, then what does that leave Israel to do?
2. The only way that a fall back by Israel can be achieved is by peace talks and agreements with the PA. If they will not talk to Israel then I see no progress! Perhaps the Insifada is the problem?
"wipe Israel from the map" is uttered due to the fact that Palestine has been wiped from the map no? What are you expecting from people whom you occupy and torture and take away their land? love you?
No country is wiped of the map but Palestine.
Peace talks that is lead by the leaders of the world to pamper Israel? this is not the peace talks. The peace talks are the talks of Justice. No peace without Justice.
Give the land back and the money of Palestinians back from the taxes that are ilegally collected then talk about peace. Oslo was nothing but working for the benefit of Israel.
Serious peace talkers don't occupy Gaza and destroy it's infrastructre. Serious peace talkers don't bomb Lebanon and destroy it's infrastructure.
Peace talkers don't build illegal settlements on the Palestinian lands.
Thank you for your comment
Perhaps the Insifada is the problem???
Anonymous--do you know what the Intifada is? Do you not realize that if Palestinians really had it together they would have started the Intifada in 1967 and never stopped? No people will stand subjugation and occupation; we are not animals in a zoo that will accept captivity and the cages that we have been put into. Despite what Ben-Gurion said (the old will die and the young will forget...) the Palestinian identity is not dying nor forgotten. The intifada is "everymans" response to occupation. The Zionists created their own intifada in the 30s and 40 s against the British occupation of Palestine and resorted to frank acts of terrorism to drive out the British.
Thanks for your responces. I both impressed with what you say and also sadened.
Looking at the issue then 2 groups of peoples live on the same land and call it home. There appears to be very little chance for both to live together at this time. The two state solution does not seem an option. SO what is the solution? what would you have done by the global comunity to the "resolve the problem"?
Interesting. So "occupation" dates back to the moment the Israel was created. Obviously prior to that there was a vibrant Palestinian state, wasn't there?
Who where the occupiers prior to 1967? Jordan and Egypt? Why was Israel attacked throughout it's history just as Jews have been attacked in 1920, 30s and for centuries by others.
If Palestinians want their state and don't want to live under occupation, why would they intesify attacks following the pullout from Gaza?
Here is another perspective.
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